Asia Centre for Changemakers: Strengthening the Philanthropic Ecosystem

12 Oct 2023

During his Opening Remarks at the Philanthropy Asia Summit (PAS), Mr. Desmond Kuek, CEO, Temasek Trust, announced the setting up of the Asia Centre for Changemakers (ACC) by Temasek Trust and the Philanthropy Asia Alliance (PAA) in Singapore to build capabilities and communities in the regional philanthropic ecosystem. 

ACC will serve as a learning lab for philanthropists, advisors and managers, social entrepreneurs, and community partners, to support more collaborative and innovative ways of giving and driving impact.

The new Centre will focus on professional education, cultivating communities, and advancing knowledge through research and thought leadership initiatives. It aims to empower emerging changemakers to explore, experiment, and engage in philanthropic endeavours, driving positive regional impact. 


Specialised, Systematic Upskilling Needed in Asia’s Philanthropic Sector   

ACC is a response to Asia’s rapidly evolving philanthropic landscape which has led to an increasing need for specialised and systematic upskilling within the sector. 

The Asia-Pacific region is poised to hold a significant portion of global wealth, accounting for over 30% of the 84 million millionaires and 28% of 344,000 ultra-high-net-worth individuals globally in 2025. About US$3 trillion will be in the hands of a new generation in the region in the next three decades. Regional philanthropic activity is expected to correspondingly increase.

ACC will be based in Singapore, an emerging regional hub for impact-driven capital and philanthropy. More than half of Asia’s family offices are estimated to be located in Singapore, with over 1,100 single family offices based in the city-state at the end of 2022.

Combined with its role as a global business, finance, technology and logistical hub, Singapore’s philanthropic ecosystem can deploy innovative philanthropic financial models and catalyse partnerships to generate real impact.

Strong Support from the Philanthropic Community 

The Centre is supported by Asia Philanthropy Circle, CBC Group, Dalio Philanthropies, ImpactSG, Quantedge Foundation, and other movers and shakers in the global and regional philanthropic community.


Find Out How You Can be Involved in ACC  

We are targeting for ACC to run its first programme in early 2024. To find out more, contact the Philanthropy Asia Alliance.

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